Josh A. Young
Software Engineer

Tech Spectrum

Here I have outlined my skills and my level of experience with each skill set. I have also outlined the certifications and the classes that correspond to each skill acquired.

Advanced Intermediate4
Advanced Beginner2
DesignMarkupStylesClient-sideBack-endDBMSDev OpsSecuritySystem AdministrationNetworking
  • PlantUML
  • Sketch
  • Photoshop
  • Lucidchart
  • Gimp
  • Balsamiq
  • HTML5
  • Markdown
  • YAML
  • Pug
  • Liquid
  • Mustache
  • ERB
  • Blade
  • XAML
  • SVG
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • Animation
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Jest
  • Elm
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Stimulus
  • Node
  • CoffeeScript
  • Xamarin
  • Ruby
  • .NET
  • Laravel
  • Objective-C
  • Java
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • PHP
  • C#
  • CodeIgniter
  • Spring
  • Normalization
  • SQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL
  • ORMs
  • Oracle
  • MS SQL
  • IIS
  • Apache
  • Nginx
  • Ansible
  • Python/Perl
  • Bash
  • Batch
  • PowerShell
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • Pin Testing
  • Enumeration
  • Kali Linux
  • Scanning
  • Social Engineering
  • Nmap
  • Wireshark
  • Web Security
  • Footprinting
  • macOS
  • FreeBSD
  • Linux
  • Hypervisors/VMs
  • Windows Server
  • Log Management
  • Hardware
  • Firewalls
  • Switching
  • Cabling
  • VLANs
  • Subnetting
  • Routing
Certifications / Classes
  • Tree House
  • Udemy
  • Frontend Masters
  • Code School
  • PluralSight
  • Tree House
  • Frontend Masters
  • Code School
  • Wes Bos
  • Frontend Masters
  • Laracast
  • CIW JS
  • Code School
  • PluralSight
  • Wes Bos
  • Frontend Masters
  • Code School
  • CIW PS
  • Pragmatic
  • ZCPE
  • PluralSight
  • Laracast
  • Thoughtbot
  • Tree House
  • Tree House
  • PluralSight
  • Frontend Masters
  • Linux Academy
  • UAH
  • Security+
  • OSCP
  • CEH
  • FedVTE
  • A+
  • LPCI-I
  • Steel Pivot
  • Linux+
  • Linux Academy
  • SudoSecure
  • Network+
  • ITPro TV
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"Nōn nōbīs, Domine, nōn nōbīs, sed nōminī tuō dā glōriam."