Josh A. Young
Mobile Software Engineer

Clean Code Takeaways

I recently started reading Clean Code by Robert C. Martin. Over the years, I have heard high praise from people who have found this book helpful, and I have finally found the time to start reading it. So far I find this to be an excellent book. As I continue reading it, I will update this post with my general conclusions which I have listed below:

Main points of book:


  • Make variables meaningful.
    • Except when in loops, use longer variable names that are searchable and describe the purpose of the variable.
  • Class names should be composed of nouns.
  • Method names should be composed of verbs.
  • Functions ideally should require zero argument.
    • The more arguments a function requires, the worse the function has become.
  • Don't use single letter variable names because they are hard to search for.
  • Make sure a variable has context by appending the context to the beginning of the name or, preferably, using a class.
  • Name variables in a way that meaning is clear without the need for a comment.
  • Never use the word 'variable' in a variable or the word 'table' in a table name, etc.
  • Use proper spelling for variable names.
    • Make sure they can be pronounced.


  • Functions should be as small as possible.
    • They should do only one thing.
  • If a function can be divided into separate parts that accomplish different tasks, it is too large.
  • A function should only work on one level of abstraction.
  • Always use a longer name for a function, rather than a snort name with a comment describing it.
  • Always return a value from a function rather than changing its input argument.
  • Never use 'flag' arguments like 'true' or 'false' in a function.
    • Instead use two functions for each purpose that the flag would have toggled.
  • A function written with more than two parameters would be better written as a class or broken up into multiple functions.
    • Also consider passing in an object to a function instead of two or more arguments.
  • Write functions in the form of verb(noun). Also consider writing a function that spells out the expected order of arguments in the function name (i.e. doesCatEqualDog(cat, dog);).
  • A function call should not exhibit side affects. In other words, if a function is clearly designed to do one thing, it should not do something else that is not obvious (such as checking an argument's value, but also saving that argument as a cookie).


  • If possible, make your code more clear (proper function naming, etc) instead of relying on your comment to explain what you are doing with the code.
  • Comments have a tendancy to gradually become inaccurate as the code gets older.
  • Using long lists of changes at the top of a piece of code is no longer necessary due to version control systems.
  • Resist the urge to comment-out old code. This old code will be tracked by your version management, so delete it.


  • Chose a programming code-formatting style and stick to it.
  • If you are working as a part of a team, pick a style the team agrees to; and everyone on the team should abide by that style.
  • Variables should be defined close to where they will be used.
  • Control variables should be defined in the control structure (i.e. 'i' used in a loop).
  • Class variables should be defined at the top of the class.
  • When a function calls another function, the function that does the calling should be calling a function that has been defined vertically below its definition.
  • Line lengths of 120 characters or less are recommended.
  • He uses spacing according to the precedence of the operator (i.e. 2*3 + 4).


  • Insure that your tests are clean and readable.
  • Make sure your tests are testing a single thing.
  • F.I.R.S.T.
    • Fast
      • Tests should run quickly.
    • Independent
      • Each test should be independent and able to be executed on its own.
    • Repeatable
      • You should be able to run the test in any environment (Dev, QA, Locally, etc).
    • Self-Validating
      • All tests should return a boolean (true or false).
    • Timely
      • Write the test for your production code immediately before writing the production code, not afterward.


  • Classes should start with all of your variables (public then private variables).
  • Classes should be small.
  • Classes should have a single responsibility.
  • A class name should describe its single responsibility.
  • A class should follow the Single Responsibility Principle
Last Updated: June 09, 2017
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"Nōn nōbīs, Domine, nōn nōbīs, sed nōminī tuō dā glōriam."